Materials of construction —– Alumininum, Stainless Steel and Plastic

Overall dimensions —– 53 in. long x 34 in. wide x 42 in. high

Unit weight —– 220 pounds

Maximum soil sample size 20 liters

Sediment storage capacity —– 113 liters

System water capacity —– 100 gallons

Maximum pumping rate —– 60 gallons per minute

Power requirements —– 8.8 amps – 115 volts, 60 hertz single phase. 2800 watt generator required for remote operation.

3/4 horsepower motor water pump @ 60 gallons per minute water flow.

Sediment removal —– 30 gallons per minute

Fine fraction screen with o.285 millimeter square openings @ 55% open area

Coarse fraction screen with 1.0 millimeter square openings @ 45% open area